
完美承托, 給背部和身體無可比擬的極緻呵護





躺在床墊上時,體重會一直集中在身體特定的部位,這些部位會成為壓力點。壓力測繪是席伊麗產品開發計畫的一部分,可測定個人身體的壓力分佈圖,也用於確保席伊麗床墊美姿微調感應彈簧系統產品的每一項規格,都能符合脊椎矯正諮詢委員會 (Orthopedic Advisory Board) 規定的壓力釋放標準。


骨科矯形認證的概念源自於五零年代。 Sealy席伊麗床墊與知名的骨科矯形醫生和背疼治療權威Dr. Robert G. Addison共同研發合作。在睡眠時,脊椎維持自然平直對於實現肌肉適當的放鬆至關重要。席伊麗對此制定了嚴格的標準,以確保身提能在睡眠時得到骨科矯形認證的承托效果,讓身體能得到完整的休息。


如果床墊在短時間內失去其支撐力或舒適感,再好的舒適和支撐都會顯得沒有價值。因此席伊麗在研發與設計上投入大量的時間和資金。 我們會測試每一種原料,確保用來製造席伊麗床墊的所有組件,都能對達到一定的水準。所有的組件在經過一連串初步的嚴格測試之後,還會再進行後續的檢測,以確保性能的一致性。

The Posturepedic Difference

The Posturepedic Criteria

We know from extensive research with the Orthopaedic Advisory Board that the best position for sleeping is one that maintains neutral alignment of your spine.

The Posturepedic Support Criteria was established in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeons. It defines a set of angles within which your body can be considered to be in a supportive sleeping position. Your neck, chest, pelvis and knees must be within these limits or angles in order to maintain proper alignment.

This criteria is the foundation of ‘Posturepedic’ and continues to be built upon with continued studies in sleep biomechanics. Our mattresses are designed to offer this support regardless of how soft your mattress feels, how much it costs or which size you prefer.

The Posturepedic Difference

The Posturepedic Criteria

We know from extensive research with the Orthopaedic Advisory Board that the best position for sleeping is one that maintains neutral alignment of your spine.

The Posturepedic Support Criteria was established in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeons. It defines a set of angles within which your body can be considered to be in a supportive sleeping position. Your neck, chest, pelvis and knees must be within these limits or angles in order to maintain proper alignment.

This criteria is the foundation of ‘Posturepedic’ and continues to be built upon with continued studies in sleep biomechanics. Our mattresses are designed to offer this support regardless of how soft your mattress feels, how much it costs or which size you prefer.

Sealy research and testing



Why Sealy Posturepedic?

Your sleep supported

A Posturepedic mattress is engineered to maintain spinal alignment and provide support. Without the right level of comfort, you’ll find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night. Our patented coils work in harmony with high quality pressure relieving materials and smart fabrics to help you achieve a deep and restful sleep. 

Sealy 2022 Wake up feeling refreshed








Model sleeps comfortably on Sealy mattress with flowers beside bed